Great bosses are hard to come by. Not only because of the many qualities that make up a great boss, but also because what makes a great boss varies significantly from job to job. At Modern Work Workplaces we recognize those with the hardest job of them all- being their own boss.
Entrepreneurs are often their own toughest critics and rarely take time to celebrate the wins- big and small. They simply (true or not) don’t have time to stop- they keep on going. When thinking about our Modern Work Workplaces entrepreneurs and the qualities that have gotten them to where they are today- being their own boss, we wanted to give a shout out to the 3 fundamental qualities they possess and empower those dreaming of going it alone!

Find something that you are truly passionate about is step one. In the beginning, when you are a team of one, working day in and day out to make your dream a reality, you must absolutely believe in and love what you do.
You can’t be easily rattled. There are going to be hard days- days that seem like they will never end and every good idea has hundreds of iterations. The best bosses out there know they have a good idea and will stop at nothing to make it a reality.
You may not be a CMO, CFO, COO, but as your own boss you are now all of the above. It is important to have your own brain trust to help open the right doors, be confident in your product, in your company, and in yourself for those trying vendors, competitors. Nothing says, ‘I’m A Boss’ like standing confidently behind what you do and say.
So hats off to the “own bosses” out there. We know it is not easy, but that’s why at Modern Work Workplaces we take care of everything else so you and your new business can thrive. If you’re still thinking about taking that leap to be your own boss, let us help you get started with one of our offices.
Modern Work Suites & Studios
Address: 8790 F St, Omaha, NE 6812
Phone: (531) 600-69017